Funding & Insurance Verification


Frequently Asked Questions about ABA Path

Who do we serve?

ABA Path is here for everyone from children to adults with varying diagnosis and needs from mild behavior to academic concerns and everything in between.

children ABA Therapy service in fl


We are in-network with a variety of insurance providers including Medicaid, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, Tricare, United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, the Family Empowerment Scholarship, as well as self-funded clients.

Every insurance company has their own criteria for approving ABA Therapy. Before beginning treatment, we suggest checking with your specific insurance provider about their terms of coverage for ABA therapy.

Other Funding Options

For self-funded clients, please get in touch with us if you would like to learn more about our flexible payment plan option. ABA Path accepts a variety of payment methods for our services including personal checks, VISA and Mastercard. 

There are various scholarships and grants available. Visit our Resources page, or reach out to us for more options.

what to expect from your aba provider

What happens next?

After the intake packet is complete, we will begin the insurance verification process. We will have to wait for approval for treatment by the insurance company.

The timeline for the insurance company to approve treatment is out of our control and will depend solely upon your insurance carrier. We will check on the status of treatment authorization throughout the week. You will be notified as soon as we receive the approval.

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What happens after the authorization is approved?

After your insurance authorization is approved, one of our analysts will contact you to set up an appointment to begin your assessment. The assessment is provided in your home/community/school, depending on the area of concern. During your assessment, our analyst will determine what services will be recommended moving forward.

consequence aba

What are the first few sessions of ABA therapy like?

Once therapy begins, the first 1-3 sessions will be called “pairing sessions.” Pairing sessions help establish rapport with the client and are essential in the effectiveness of the therapy process.

During a pairing session, the therapist will be associating him/herself with the client’s reinforcers. This way the client will start to learn that good things happen when his/her therapist is present. In turn, the client will be more willing to comply and cooperate with the therapist and therapy will be more effective.

applied behavior analysis autism speaks

How do I get started?

Please click on the Get Started button and fill out our Referral Questionnaire. Depending on your hours requested and location you are seeking services, we might be able to assist you immediately.

Our Intake Team will review your completed questionnaire. If we are able to serve you, a welcome email will be sent to you with an intake packet enclosed to be completed and returned to us.